Sunday, 27 November 2011

Documentary, Zed Nelson - Task 2/4

Zed Nelson - Love Me

These images that have been photographed by Zed Nelson are about beauty, what people think beauty is and  the extremes people will go to, to be what they think is beautiful. He has chosen to photograph the things people will do the become their own idea of beauty. He's is trying to show people will do anything to become 'beautiful'. People normally influenced by things such as the media and celebrities and become obsessed with looking like them because thats what they think beauty is. 2 of the photos or high key images which are just the one person stood against a white background so it focuses on them and nothing else, they are the focal point. The other image of the tummy tuck is a very graphic image to show what things people put themselves through the look how they want to. I think that the images are rather bizarre because on one there is a 9 year old girl dressed up and wearing make-up ready for a beauty pagent which isn't normal in my opinion, but her parents could have had some impact on this. In this picture she is not smiling so this could show she is not happy about what she is wearing and is also not happy about the pagent. In another image it shows a women who has become anorexic because she is so obsessed with being thin she doesn't eat enough because she is scared to gain weight. This would really show people how badly some people want to look 'beautiful'. In the remaining image of the surgery people will see this and some people will probably will be shocked that some people will go through so much surgery and pain, and mostly likely spend a huge amount of money, just so they can have a flat stomach that they want so quickly, even though they could just eat healthy and excercise. All the images are based on the same content of wanting to be beautiful. These images are good at telling people a story because they are showing what people are actually doing to become the way that they want to look. These images are objective because they are stating facts because they are showing real life people and the photographer doesn't give any opinion on them he just says what they are, it is all just factual. These images do not have an order as they all different people but they are wanting to achieve the same thing, which is looking how they want to look and achieving what they think is beautiful. These images are used online and in a gallery for people to view. 

Task 4
Zed Nelson has a book which his Love Me images are published in. A reveiw of this book that I found on the internet backs up what I have said about the images. The reveiw quotes "The first picture you will see is a nine-year-old girl. She is dressed up for a beauty pageant. She wears make up, a tiara, heavy earrings. But perhaps the most striking thing of this photograph is this little girl’s lack of smile." I said in my research that the girl does not look happy and this backs up what I said because other people think the same thing about the images they have seen. The reveiw also says "A recent scientific study reported that we make decisions about the attractiveness of people we meet in the space of 150 milliseconds. Beauty is a $160 billion-a-year global industry. Americans spend more each year on beauty than they do on education." This shows us that many people are obsessed with how they looks because they judge people as soon as they meet them and thety spend so much money on ways to change their appearance. This also shows some people in America are more bothered about their own appearance than their childrens education because they would rather spend more of their own money on making themselves look 'perfect' and how they want to look than spend their money on making sure their children have a good education.

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