Monday, 14 November 2011

Documentary Research, Zed Nelson - Task 1

Zed Nelson - Love Me

This is a 9 year old girl who won a beauty pageant from Texas. This is dealing with the theme beauty. This image shows that people as young as 9 have been influenced by things such as adverts and celebrities. This girls parents may have also had an impact on this by entering her into a beauty pageant. This is a portrait, high key image. These images are displayed in an online gallery on Zed Nelson's website. All the photographs in the Love Me section of the website have the same theme which is about beauty and how people go to extremes to become beautiful. 

This is an image of a women aged 44, who weighs 6.5 stone because she has always wanted to be thin but developed anorexia. This image is also dealing with the theme of beauty. Things such as media and celebrities can cause this, because these people get ideas that they have to look like them because that is the definition of 'beauty'. This is another portrait image and is also high key. There is so bright colours in this image which shows this is quite a serious image, touching on a serious subject. This photo is also shown in an online gallery on the Zed Nelson gallery. The images all have the theme of what people do to become beautiful and most of these images seem to be high key.

This image is another image that focuses on beauty and how people want to look. In this photo it shows a 'tummy tuck' which means somebody is having skin and fat removed from their stomach so that they can be thinner when they could probably do this by a healthy lifestyle. This shows how desperate people really are to be thin and look their best. This is a very serious image because it shows the surgery and the extremes that a person would go to just to be thin. This image was taken in Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia during a tummy tuck operation. This photograph is in the online gallery on the Zed Nelson website. All the photographs revolve around the same theme, beauty. 

all these images are from

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