Monday, 28 November 2011

Documentary, Task 3 - Re-creating images

These images I tried to re-create are the love me images by Zed Nelson. Some of his images show billboards and advertisments of models which some people think is the idea of beauty. I took some photos of adverts as my re-creations. Here are his original images.

Here are my images

Documentary, Bibliography - Task 6

Zed Nelson
Love Me reveiw -
Love Me images -

Indu Antony
Broken Strings images - 

Richard Dru
9/11 images -
9/11 video -

Documentary, Evaluation - Task 5

I have enojoyed this project to some extent. I have liked some of the images I have looked at and found them interesting but some others I didn't like as much. I enojyed looking at the word of Zed Nelson and Richard Drew, I think their images were really interesting to see what was the story behind them. I didn't find Indu Antony's work very interesting to look at, as it was a little boring and sort of repetative. The message that his images gave were nice but the images themselves weren't what I like. I tried to copy the fact that Zed Nelson takes pictures of some advertisments in places such as cities that people see all the time. I am not too happy with the Zed Nelson images I recreated because they do not really look like his work, it was hard to recreate his work though. Both his images and mine use adverts which are linked with things trying to make people look beautiful. The story that this tells is that people see adverts everyday with people who have been made to look their best so they want to look the same and this influences them. People who see this images may realise that people see this everyday and are becoming obsessed with wanting to look like these people. I tried to copy the style of the images that Indu Antony has taken in the destitute home. My images are not too similar to his because they are not based on the same subject but they are the same style and colour scheme. When people look at dark black and white images they are normally not happy images, and are trying to get a serious message across, which is what Indu Antony is trying to do. My images are not about a serious matter but just are the same style. The Richard Drew images that I have re-created are nothing like his images, but I tried to copy the colours that are used in his images. My images include buildings and vertical lines which are also included in Richard Drew's work. 

Documentary, Task 3 - Re-creating images

The second of images I tried re-creating were the broken strings by Indu Antony. These images are of destitutes in India. I couldn't take any images like this so I decided to just document a day with one of the my friends in the same style as Indu Antony which is basically black and white. Here are the original images.

Here are my images

Documentary, Task 3 - Re-creating images

The first set of images I tried to have a go at re-creating were the 9/11 shots that Richard Drew took. I obviously I couldn't go take photos of an event the same as this so I looked at the colours used in his images and tried to include them in my photos I would take. Here are the original photos taken at 9/11.

Here are my images.

Sunday, 27 November 2011

Documentary, Zed Nelson - Task 2/4

Zed Nelson - Love Me

These images that have been photographed by Zed Nelson are about beauty, what people think beauty is and  the extremes people will go to, to be what they think is beautiful. He has chosen to photograph the things people will do the become their own idea of beauty. He's is trying to show people will do anything to become 'beautiful'. People normally influenced by things such as the media and celebrities and become obsessed with looking like them because thats what they think beauty is. 2 of the photos or high key images which are just the one person stood against a white background so it focuses on them and nothing else, they are the focal point. The other image of the tummy tuck is a very graphic image to show what things people put themselves through the look how they want to. I think that the images are rather bizarre because on one there is a 9 year old girl dressed up and wearing make-up ready for a beauty pagent which isn't normal in my opinion, but her parents could have had some impact on this. In this picture she is not smiling so this could show she is not happy about what she is wearing and is also not happy about the pagent. In another image it shows a women who has become anorexic because she is so obsessed with being thin she doesn't eat enough because she is scared to gain weight. This would really show people how badly some people want to look 'beautiful'. In the remaining image of the surgery people will see this and some people will probably will be shocked that some people will go through so much surgery and pain, and mostly likely spend a huge amount of money, just so they can have a flat stomach that they want so quickly, even though they could just eat healthy and excercise. All the images are based on the same content of wanting to be beautiful. These images are good at telling people a story because they are showing what people are actually doing to become the way that they want to look. These images are objective because they are stating facts because they are showing real life people and the photographer doesn't give any opinion on them he just says what they are, it is all just factual. These images do not have an order as they all different people but they are wanting to achieve the same thing, which is looking how they want to look and achieving what they think is beautiful. These images are used online and in a gallery for people to view. 

Task 4
Zed Nelson has a book which his Love Me images are published in. A reveiw of this book that I found on the internet backs up what I have said about the images. The reveiw quotes "The first picture you will see is a nine-year-old girl. She is dressed up for a beauty pageant. She wears make up, a tiara, heavy earrings. But perhaps the most striking thing of this photograph is this little girl’s lack of smile." I said in my research that the girl does not look happy and this backs up what I said because other people think the same thing about the images they have seen. The reveiw also says "A recent scientific study reported that we make decisions about the attractiveness of people we meet in the space of 150 milliseconds. Beauty is a $160 billion-a-year global industry. Americans spend more each year on beauty than they do on education." This shows us that many people are obsessed with how they looks because they judge people as soon as they meet them and thety spend so much money on ways to change their appearance. This also shows some people in America are more bothered about their own appearance than their childrens education because they would rather spend more of their own money on making themselves look 'perfect' and how they want to look than spend their money on making sure their children have a good education.

Documentary, Indu Antony - Task 2/4

Indu Antony - Broken Strings

These images are taken of destitutes who are living in a home in India. The people here have no family because they have been abandoned by family and most of the patients here are mentally ill. The photographer is documenting the life of one patient living here in this home. I think the photographer is trying to tell people looking at the photos about how bad life is here for patients. I think he is also trying to show people how bad the conditions are here and that it would be really hard living here. These photographs are really hard hitting black and white images. They show the harsh reality of how some people have to live and not everyone has a nice place and that these people are struggling. People reading these images are made to think about how bad it would be for the poor people who have to live here. They would maybe make people stop and think for a minute about what they have and how they just take what they have got for granted, but they might realise that they shouldn't because some people have much worse than them and are even struggling to survive. All the images are the same style and content. They are all in black and white and they are all of the same person in the same place, showing the same theme of how hard it is for her there. These images are successful at telling the story they are supposed to because they are supposed to show people how bad life is for people at this home and that it would be a struggle there. It also tells people they don't get much care because the people living there are extremely thin and look malnutrioned. The beds thats the people are laid on are also telling us about how bad the life there is and the lack of care for the people because they are solid with no pillows or covers so they could not be comfy or warm when they sleep. These images are mostly objective because they are photos of a real story, of a real home where real people are having to live. They are also slightly subjective  because the photographer is conveying his opinion on how awful the standards of living are there. These images so not have an order they are just showing how people have to live in this home. These images would be used for charity because it could be asking people to donate money to this place to help the people living there. It could also be used online and in the news to show how awful some places are in different countries and how hard some peoples way of life is.

Task 4
On this website there are more images that Indu Antony has taken during his time at the home. These show people living in the bad conditions and some even show how the people are ill living there. This backs up what I said about the home not being a very pleasant place and that the people living there don't get much care because all these people are sleeping on hard beds and are very thin. This means the care standard is low and isn't nice for the inmates who have to unfortuantly live their lives there.

Documentary, Richard Drew - Task 2/4

Richard Drew 9/11

These set of images were photographed by Richard Drew at the 9/11 terrorist attack. The images are documenting this awful event. The images are showing how bad this event actually was and is also showing the damage that was caused by the attack. I think the main aspect he has chosen to photograph is how horrifying this event was and the impact it had on people who were involved in it. 2 of the images are portrait to show the height of the buildings that were being destroyed. The other image is landscape this shows the city which isn't too close the the buildings but still shows how much damage has been caused away from the sight. The first image looks frightening because it shows a huge explosion and dust coming from the collapsing building. People would see the images and realise how daunting and awful this time must have been for the victims. The second image shows all the debris from the buildings collapsing so people looking at the photograph would realise how much damage was actually caused and what a mess the city was left in. The last image used shows a man taking his own life by jumping from the building as he didn't want to burn to death. This is a very traumatic image for people looking at it because it shows how awful the situation must have been for all the victims involved in the attack. All the images use similar colour schemes of greys from the building and dust then there is a use of blue in the images from the sky. They are all also based around the same event. I think that these images succeed  in telling this story because they show the damage and the horror that the terrorists caused by this attack. It also makes people think about what happened and about how horrid it must have been to be a part of the event. These set of images are objective because they are factual as they are documenting a real life event and show exactly what was happening. I think the photographer would think that this event was shocking and awful and he conveys that opinion with this set of photographs. These images could be in an order because the man could be the first image because he didn't want to burn to death, suffocate or fall when the tower collapsed so he took his own life. The second image could be the one showing the building collapsing and the final image could be the one that shows the effects after this had happened on the city. These images would be used in the news because they are showing people what happened at this event.

Task 4 here is a link to a video which shows the twin towers collapsing. In the video it shows how bad the event actually was and it shows what it would have been like the actually be there. When the tower starts to collapse you can hear people screaming in fear and shock. This backs up what I have said about the event being terrifying because the peoples screams show how scared they were. People are also moving away from the tower quickly so this shows people wanted to get away because they were scared of being hurt and scared of what could happen to them. You can also hear cars in the video beeping at each other, this shows the traffic must have been hectic because of the event that was taking place.

Friday, 25 November 2011

Research - Student Life

For my final images I am going to take some images that I think are related to the theme of student life. I am going to research some images that I think fits the theme of student life. Here are some examples of the photographs that could inspire me.



Monday, 21 November 2011

Documentary Research, Richard Drew - Task 1

Richard Drew - 9/11
These powerful images were all taken by Richard Drew at the 9/11 twin tower terrorist attack, as he was documenting the event. All of the images have the same theme which is showing how shocking and horrific this event was. These images are dealing with how bad the damage was from this event and how scary and dangerous it was for people involved in it. The images also show how horrific a real event was. These images were taken 11th September 2001. This images are displayed online on an image website in a gallery format.

This is the most iconic image that was capture at the event. This shows a man taking his own life by jumping from near the top of the north tower. He was obviously terrified and knew that he wasn't going to survive so he chose to take his own life as he didn't want to burn to death. This image was taken landscape and in colour. As it is taken landscape it shows that it was a tall place he was falling from. The lines behind him also look really effective and shows how tall the building really was. This shows that real people were involved in this event and should make people think about how awful it would have been to have been part of the attack.

This image was taken a distance away from the event. It shows how bad the effect of the collapsing towers really was. Even though it wasn't close to the sight debris from the collapsed building was all over the place. It shows how much of an impact this event had on such a big place.

This shows the north tower collapsing after being hit by a plane hijacked by terrorists. This shows how shocking the event was for people to see and how much damage was caused to the twin towers.

Documentary Research, Indu Antony - Task 1

Indu Antony - Broken Strings
All of these images were photographed by Indu Antony. He was recording the lives of destitutes at a home in India. These inmates have been abandoned and/or have no family. 90 percent of the people who live here are mentally ill. Most of the ill patients were given up by their families because other family members were ashamed. Some were born into this home, the patients are all strangers to each other and have very little communication. These images are all black and white. This effect makes the images seem stark and somber, which fits in well with the theme because they are trying to convey a serious point. The photographer started to collect these images in April 2010 and this project has been ongoing since then. All of these images are displayed online in a gallery format. All these images have the same theme about people living in a home because they are all part of the same project and all taken in the same place. 

 This is an image of a women named Saraswati. She is in pain most of the time. She came to the home two and half years ago when her parents abandoned her here. She is mentally and physically challenged and even though she is in pain she kept smiling, but now it is so bad she cannot mask it.

These women are unable to speak but they always recognize the photographer with his camera and always manage to smile for him. 

This person here is having ointment rubbed into their skin because they spend so much time in bed because they cannot do anything they get a lot of bad bed sores.

all these images are from

Monday, 14 November 2011

Documentary Research, Zed Nelson - Task 1

Zed Nelson - Love Me

This is a 9 year old girl who won a beauty pageant from Texas. This is dealing with the theme beauty. This image shows that people as young as 9 have been influenced by things such as adverts and celebrities. This girls parents may have also had an impact on this by entering her into a beauty pageant. This is a portrait, high key image. These images are displayed in an online gallery on Zed Nelson's website. All the photographs in the Love Me section of the website have the same theme which is about beauty and how people go to extremes to become beautiful. 

This is an image of a women aged 44, who weighs 6.5 stone because she has always wanted to be thin but developed anorexia. This image is also dealing with the theme of beauty. Things such as media and celebrities can cause this, because these people get ideas that they have to look like them because that is the definition of 'beauty'. This is another portrait image and is also high key. There is so bright colours in this image which shows this is quite a serious image, touching on a serious subject. This photo is also shown in an online gallery on the Zed Nelson gallery. The images all have the theme of what people do to become beautiful and most of these images seem to be high key.

This image is another image that focuses on beauty and how people want to look. In this photo it shows a 'tummy tuck' which means somebody is having skin and fat removed from their stomach so that they can be thinner when they could probably do this by a healthy lifestyle. This shows how desperate people really are to be thin and look their best. This is a very serious image because it shows the surgery and the extremes that a person would go to just to be thin. This image was taken in Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia during a tummy tuck operation. This photograph is in the online gallery on the Zed Nelson website. All the photographs revolve around the same theme, beauty. 

all these images are from

Sunday, 13 November 2011

Image and Text - Task 2

cling film was put over the lens and covered in lipstick

cling film was packed around the edges of my lens for both these images

this has nail varnish over the lens

black card with a small heart shape cut out of it was placed in front of my lens, i then make the camera out of focus, hold this up to a light and then I got this effect.