Monday 9 January 2012

Image and Text - Task 7

I think I have done rather well with all the tasks I have been given and have approached them as best as I can. In task 1 I think I did enough research looking at 3 effects that were used by photographers to create effects with their images before you could do this with photoshop. This could be improved by maybe looking in to other ways these in camera techniques were used rather than just in photographs. I think I did well with task 2 as I looked at and attempted quite a few different in camera techniques to add these effects to my images. I was happy with the outcome of most of them too. Bokeh was a rather hard effect to create because you need to get the shape the correct size and it needs to be cut extreemly carefully too. To improve this task I could try making my shape used for bokeh more precise as it doesn't look too much like a love heart. I could also take more photos using these effects, and maybe try even more effects. Task 3 went okay, I researched some different effects that can be created digitally and also I showed examples. To improve this I could show how they are created in photoshop by maybe using print screens. Task 4 didn't go too well as I didn't edit that many photos but I edited them using 3 different effects. If i was to improve this I would try editing more images using the effects I learnt. Task 5 went well and I enjoyed re-creating the images. The in camera techniques I chose worked well for me and I am really pleased with how the images that I have taken came out. My images for task 6 that were my own original ideas went well I thought. The effects I created for them turned out well. I could have edited more images in different ways to improve this and this would also show how more effects can be put into images.

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